Web Site Portofolio
Please go to Web Site Services page to check our pricing and service details
CMS Sites
CMS stands for Contents Management System
The updates of the web site is done through web browser. No special software will be required to maintin the web site.
This is ideal for the people who doesn't have budget to maintain the web site. As long as you have the basic knowledge of blogging, you can update the web site without any special software.
Will Plus - Online Wheelchair Store
- Online store of wheelchair and nursing care products
- Logo design
- Built with concrete5, EC Cube and WordPress
- Total support to run a online store from product listing to photo management
Wheelchair Athlete Tanaka Teruyo
- The web site of a Paralympic medalist
- Logo design
- Built with concrete5 and WordPress
- Optimized for both PC and iPhone
concrete5 Japan by Usagi Project
- The official Japanese web site of an open source content management system, "concrete5"
- Simple is best design
- Built with concrete5
External Controllers CPA's
- Joomla CMS System
- Additional plug-ins for slideshow, menu and interactive pricing table, and quote inquiry system
- Graphic design
- Company Logo
- Company documents, such as letter cover, business cards
- Company brochure
Wheelchair Athlete Tomoya Ito Official Web Site (Japanese & English)
- Logo design
- Installed easy-to-use calendar system for special event listing
- Joomla (Japanese Version is used)
- Simple and easy to navigate interface
- Cosult to change to the cheaper domain register
- Changed the web hosting plan to $2/mo!
- Developed for cell phone optimized web page.
Restaurant & Bar - Yudelins(Japanese)
- Maintanance cost of this web site is only $40/Year!
- Installed easy-to-use calendar system for special event listing
- Joomla (Japanese Version is used)
- Simple and easy to navigate interface
- Cosult to change to the cheaper domain register
- Changed the web hosting plan to $2/mo!
- Developed for cell phone optimized web page.
- SEO embedded
- Increased their customer within a couple months of the site launch
Chanko Dining Fujiyama (Japanese)
- Maintanance cost of this web site is only $40/Year!
- Joomla (Japanese Version is used)
- Simple and easy to navigate interface
- Cosult to change to the cheaper domain register
- Changed the web hosting plan to $2/mo!
- Developed for cell phone optimized web page.
- SEO embedded
- Increased their profits within a couple month
Food Bar Mission (Japanese)
- Maintanance cost of this web site is only $40/Year!
- Joomla (Japanese Version is used)
- With additional plug-ins, fully automated slideshow is enabled which you can change the pictures and order through your browser with a few clicks!
- Simple and easy to navigate interface
- Cosult to change to the cheaper domain register
- Changed the web hosting plan to $2/mo!
- Developed for cell phone optimized web page
- SEO Embedded
Flash Animation Site
Adobe Flash expand the creativity of your site, and increase the impression overyour customer.
However, this is very diffucult for Search Engine Optimization, and more difficult to maintain and change the contents.
We recommend to combine both CMS, or static HTML design and flash.
Install CMS or regular HTML where you need to update frequently.
James Tormé
*We are planning to transfer the site to CMS soon.
Divine Design
*By using exisiting template, we were able to design this site within a couple days, and cost-effective.
Global Energy Group
*The combination of Flash and Static HTML site
HTML (Static Web Site)
We mainly use Adobe Dreamweaver to construct static web site. It's very quick to build. However, you may need the additional service fee to maintain the web site.
Asian Stories Official Web Site
*Web site for a feature film project
World Media Place
*Publishing company in Houston TX, we are moving to CMS, soon.
National Health Forum
*A NPO medical event web site.
*Please go to Web Site Services page to check our pricing and service details